Sailing apps – for sailors and the "common person" alike

Times have changed, and what once was normal today is considered archaic. In sailing, that is even more so. Today, sailors use modern methods, devices and technology to navigate and sail. Let's find out how we can divide the modern sailing apps and how they are used in everyday life.

In the "olden days", captains and navigators didn't have the advantages of modern technology as they do now. They had to manage using a compass, maps and various navigational instruments.   
They became quite proficient in using those instruments; a sea astrolabe was used to determine a ship's latitude at sea, and sextants were used to find the angle between the horizon and a celestial body.  
Sailors used stars to find their way across the open sea.   
Today, people use sailing apps for navigation at sea as well as "mundane" things such as weather forecasts. Sailing apps were made to make modern navigation smoother, safer, and more enjoyable.  
These apps used by sailors and boaters are specialized software applications designed for precisely those people - anyone interested in navigation and marine activities.   
One can download these apps onto a smartphone, tablet, or other devices – it is easy, and it is maritime knowledge directly at hand. 

Different types of nautical apps  

Whatever we call them nautical, marine, sailing or boating apps, they all help the everyman as well as a skilled sailor.   
Just like how different tools serve different purposes, sailing apps come in various types and here's what they can do for you:  

  1. Help you navigate the sea - some sailing apps are like high-tech maps and compasses. They show you detailed maps of seas, lakes, and rivers, help you plot your course, and guide you from point A to point B while avoiding obstacles like shallow waters or dangerous rocks.  
  2. Give you real-time weather forecasting - nautical weather forecasting apps provide up-to-the-minute weather updates, wind conditions, and tide times to ensure you're well-prepared for what's ahead.  
  3. Provide emergency assistance - if you ever find yourself in a tough spot, certain sailing apps can send out SOS signals, help you contact emergency services, or even guide rescue teams to your exact location. 
  4. Help you learn and grow - even skilled sailors say that there is always something more to learn in sailing. Some apps offer guides on tying knots, navigating by stars and other valuable and interesting skills.  
  5. Connect you with other sailors - just like how sailors used to share stories and tips at ports, some sailing apps create a online community of sailors. You can read reviews about different marinas, get advice on the best anchorages, or share your experiences about yacht charter companies.  



Sailing apps available on the market   

Sailing apps available on the market can be categorized by their primary functionality, and here's how they can be divided:  

All in one navigation and chart plotting apps  

Navigation and chart plotting apps are the digital equivalent of traditional paper ones but come with advanced features such as marine charts, route planning and route recording.  
These apps offer high-resolution, accurate maps that detail coastlines, depths, and other essential maritime information.  
Route planning with these apps enables sailors to plot their course, set waypoints (specific points along the route), and plan their journey, considering factors like depth, obstacles, and maritime regulations.  
Track recording records the journey, marking the route along the way, which can be saved for future reference or shared with others.  


Tide and weather forecasting apps  

The tide forecasting feature in sailing apps provides detailed information about the timing and height of tides - crucial information for safe anchoring and navigating shallow waters.  
Weather forecast apps offer detailed and up-to-date weather predictions, including wind speed and direction, precipitation, temperature, and storm alerts – so information on when to set sail and take cover has never been more accessible.  

Tides near me 
Tide charts 

Emergency assistance apps  

These apps are the equivalent of a 911 or 112 call when out at sea. In an emergency, sailors can send an SOS signal, sharing their exact location with rescue services or nearby vessels.  
Emergency assistance apps provide services like towing, fuel delivery, or mechanical assistance for boats that have broken down. They also offer tips for dealing with different emergency situations.  


Marine traffic and AIS apps  

Marine traffic and AIS (automatic identification system) apps are like having radar around you as they provide vessel locations.   
These apps monitor the positions of nearby ships and yachts in real-time, helping to avoid collisions and navigate.   
Marine traffic apps can also provide information about ports and detailed vessel characteristics like size and type.  

Marine Traffic  
Vessel Finder 

Utility apps  

Utility apps are the Swiss Army knives of sailing apps, offering a wide range of "tools" in one place.  
Some of them teach how to tie different types of knots through step-by-step guides and videos.  
Others break down language barriers by translating messages or documents in real-time, which is helpful during international voyages.  
Last but not least - boat rental services apps allow sailors to rent boats across the globe, offering a convenient way to explore different waters without owning a boat.  

Knots 3D 
Sail Expert  

Learning and educational apps  

Learning and educational apps are akin to having a sailing instructor with you, no matter where you are. These apps are excellent sailing skills resources, and with them, one can learn and master skills required while in navigation, such as navigational techniques and sailing theory.  
Some apps use interactive tools like 3D animations and quizzes to make learning more engaging and effective.  

Yapp Sailing Course 
Sailing Challenge   

Community and social networking apps  

Community and social networking apps are virtual places where sailors gather to exchange valuable information.  
Users can share their favourite routes or anchorages, complete with GPS coordinates, photos, and tips, helping others to discover new places and navigate safely.  

Go Sailing   


Sailing apps are not for sailors only – they are for everyone  

Sailing apps are an indispensable tool for sailors, offering features that ensure their safety, efficiency, and precision on the open sea.   
However, you can use sailing apps without the need or desire to learn how to sail. 
The use of these apps is multifold, and they come in handy in everyday activities, hobbies or work.    
Weather forecast apps can be used to plan outdoor activities and are also usually used by hikers, campers, and outdoor enthusiasts.  
If you are a photographer or even an amateur, you can use these apps to anticipate golden hours, cloud formations, and potential weather phenomena, enhancing your shots.  
Tide and weather forecasting apps are also widely used by anglers to determine the best times for fishing based on tides and weather conditions.  
Knot tying apps are sometimes used by campers and hikers, so they learn to secure tents, tie up hammocks, or even emergency first-aid skills. Individuals also use knot-tying apps for their DIY crafting and decorating purposes.  
Marine traffic and AIS apps are commonly used by teachers in maritime schools and colleges to teach students about global trade, shipping routes, and maritime geography.  

You don't have to be a sailor or a fisherman or anything above mentioned – there is no law to ban you from using these apps. If you want to expand your maritime history navigation or oceanography knowledge, sailing apps are a good start.   

So, some sailing apps extend their usefulness beyond the sailing community, offering knowledge to everyone seeking it.  
Contact us if you want to learn more about this topic, apps that will be a lifesaver aboard a yacht, or even apps that will help your yacht charter business

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